淀粉损伤检测试剂盒, Starch Damage Assay Kit , 货号:K-SDAM
品名:Starch Damage Assay Kit
规格:200 次检测

检测方法:分光光度法 @510 nm
反应时间:~ 40分钟
符合AACC (方法 76-31.01), ICC (标准号 164) 和 RACI (标准方法)。
Bottle 1: | 真菌α-淀粉酶(pH5.4和40°C条件下,10 mL, 1,000 U/mL on Ceralpha reagent* )。硫酸铵悬浮液。 |
4°C下稳定超过 3年 | |
Bottle 2: | 淀粉葡萄糖苷酶(pH 4.5 和40°C条件下,4 mL, 200 U/mL 在可溶性淀粉中)。硫酸铵悬浮液。 |
4°C稳定超过3年 | |
Bottle 3: | GOPOD 试剂缓冲液。缓冲液(50 mL, pH7.4), 对羟基苯甲酸和叠氮钠(0.095% w/v). |
4°C稳定超过4年 | |
Bottle 4: | GOPOD 试剂酶。葡萄糖氧化酶,过氧化酶和4-氨基安替比林。冻干粉。 |
-20°C稳定超过5年 | |
Bottle 5: | D-葡萄糖标准溶液(5 mL, 1.5 mg/mL) 溶于0.2% (w/v)苯甲酸。 |
室温下稳定超过5年 | |
Bottle 6: | 小麦面粉标样。淀粉损伤程度在小瓶标签上注明。 |
室温下稳定超过5年 |
官网提供Mega-Calc™ 软件工具用于一站式原始数据处理
官网提供Mega-Calc™ 软件工具用于一站式原始数据处理
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Effect of corn preparation methods on dry-grind ethanol production by granular starch hydrolysis and partitioning of spent beer solids. Lamsal, B. P., Wang, H. & Johnson, L. A. (2011). Bioresource Technology, 102(12), 6680-6686.
Flaking as a corn preparation technique for dry-grind ethanol production using raw starch hydrolysis. Lamsal, B. P. & Johnson, L. A. (2012). Journal of Cereal Science, 56(2), 253-259.
Chemical composition and functional properties of native chestnut starch (Castanea sativa Mill). Cruz, B. R., Abraão, A. S., Lemos, A. M. & Nunes, F. M. (2013). Carbohydrate Polymers, 94(1), 594-602.
Changes in rice with variable temperature parboiling: thermal and spectroscopic assessment. Himmelsbach, D. S., Manful, J. T. & Coker, R. D. (2008). Cereal chemistry, 85(3), 384-390.
Determination of formulation and processing factors affecting slowly digestible starch, protein digestibility and antioxidant capacity of extruded sorghum–maize composite flour. Licata, R., Chu, J., Wang, S., Coorey, R., James, A., Zhao, Y. & Johnson, S. (2014). International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 49(5), 1408-1419.
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Total Starch Assay Kit (AA/AMG)
Resistant Starch Assay Kit
D-Glucose Assay Kit (GOPOD Format)
Total Dietary Fiber Assay Kit
Integrated Total Dietary Fiber Assay Kit
α-Amylase (Aspergillus oryzae)
Oligo-α-(1,4-1,6)-glucosidase (Bacillus sp.)