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来源:seebio.cn作者:西宝生物人气:-发表时间:2012-09-13 08:37:00【


美国国家标准技术研究所,National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),前身为国家标准局(NBS,1901年~1988年),是一家测量标准实验室,属于美国商业部的技术管理部门,前身是1901年建立的联邦政府的物理科学实验室,位于马里兰州的Gaithersburg,是目前NIST总部所在地,占地234公顷,另一分部,位于科罗拉多州的Boulder,占地84公顷,还有两个设在大学的联合研究所,JILA在Colorado大学,CARB在Maryland大学。NIST主要从事物理、生物和工程方面的基础和应用研究,以及测量技术和测试方法方面的研究,提供标准、标准参考数据及有关服务,在国际上享有很高的声誉。
NIST Standard Reference Materials 简称(SRMs)是美国国家标准局(NIST) 制定的“标准参照样品 (SRM)”。NIST为产业界、学术界、政府及其他用户提供了超过1100种标准参考材料。每种标样都有美国国家标准局的详细分析报告和用途说明,这些物品经认证后被作为特定的量度或成分含量,成为校正标准用于测量设备和制作程序、工业生产的品质控制标准,以及实验对比样本。
NIST所提供标准参照样品的适用范围:(1) 帮助开发准确的分析方法;(2) 用于校正检测仪器,质量控制,和测定检出极限;(3) 保证检测方法可靠性和长久稳定性。
Powdered Paint Nominal 200mg/kg Lead
粉末状颜料标称铅200mg/kg 标准品
PH thalates in Methanol 邻苯二甲酸酯混标标准品
5×1.2 mL
Trace Elements in Glass 玻璃中痕量元素标准品
Bearing Metal (84Pb-10Sb-6Sn)
轴承合金(84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) 标准品
Glass, Lead Barium 铅钡玻璃标准品
Powdered Paint Nominal 10 % Lead  粉末涂料10%铅标准品
Powdered Paint Nominal 0.5 % Lead 粉末涂料0.5%铅标准品
Bearing Metal (Tin Base)轴承合金(锡基)标准品
Chlorinated Pesticide Solution-II in Isooctane
有机氯农药混标II(异辛烷溶液) 标准品
Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Toluene
Chlorinated Pesticides in Hexane
有机氯农药混标(正己烷溶液) 标准品
Peptide Reference Material for Molecular Mass and Purity Measurements
set 3 (1 mg each)(冷冻保存)
IR Transmission Wavelength (Polystyrene Film)
红外波长校准标准(聚乙烯膜) 标准品
Multicomponent Glass 多成分玻璃 标准品
硅青铜 标准品
NBS19-Limestone 石灰石(NBS19) 标准品
Isotopic Standard for Chlorine
Bromine (Isotopic)
Silver (Isotopic)
Chromium (Isotopic)
Magnesium (Isotopic)
货号   品名  包装  认证日期  参考价格
1d Limestone, Argillaceous 70g 2005-2-18 14728
4l Cast Iron 150g 1990-6-1 6442
5m Cast Iron 150g 1997-1-3 6919
6g Cast Iron 150g 1970-11-9 5980
8k Bessemer Steel (Simulated), 0.1 % Carbon 150g 2006-4-20 6076
12h Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.4% Carbon 150g 1966-3-1 6108
13g 0.6% Carbon Steel 150g 1974-4-1 6426
14g Carbon Steel (AISI 1078) 150g 1990-3-1 5853
15h Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.1% Carbon 150g 1993-6-22 5917
16f Basic Open- Hearth Steel, 1% carbon 150g 2004-4-30 5790
17f Sucrose Optical Rotation 60g 2010-6-9 6203
19h Basic Electric Steel, 0.2% Carbon 150g 1987-9-1 5885
20g AISI 1045 Steel 150g 1970-10-23 5774
25d Manganese Ore 60g 2010-5-26 5153
30f LA Steel, Cr-V (SAE 6150) 150g 1992-3-31 5774
32e Nickel-Chromium Steel (SAE 3140) 150g 2009-9-24 6887
33e LA Steel, Ni-Mo (SAE 4820) 150g 1995-3-15 6171
36b Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 150g 2009-9-8 6124
39j Benzoic Acid (Calorimetric Standard) 30g 2007-10-18 4803
45d Cu Freezing Point 450g 1990-4-1 4772
46h Portland Cement Fineness Std 10 x 5g 2008-5-30 3945
49e Lead Freezing Point 600g 1990-4-5 4390
50c Tungsten-Chromium-Vanadium Steel 150g 2011-2-17 6378
53e Bearing Metal (84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) 150g 1970-1-20 6569
54d Bearing Metal (Tin Base) 170g 1957-9-1 6823
64c Ferrochromium, High Carbon 100g 1992-2-20 5535
68c Ferromanganese, High Carbon 100g 1992-2-20 5965
69b Bauxite (Arkansas) 60g 1991-1-1 5074
72g LA Steel (AISI 4130) 150g 1981-6-1 5662
73c Stainless Steel, Cr (SAE 420) 150g 1992-2-20 5790
76a Burnt Refractory (Al203-40%) 75g 1992-3-1 4851
77a Burnt Refractory (Al203-60%) 75g 1992-3-1 4851
78a Burnt Refractory (Al203-70%) 75g 1992-3-1 4851
79a Fluorspar, Customs Grade 120g 1980-1-8 4676
81a Glass Sand 75g 1978-1-1 5678
82b Cast Iron (Ni-Cr) 150g 1966-4-1 5774
84l Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 60g 2010-2-1 5424
87a Aluminum-Silicon Alloy 75g 1991-1-1 6792
88b Dolomitic Limestone 75g 1994-5-1 5726
89 Glass, Lead Barium 45g 1990-12-1 5790
90 Ferrophosphorus 75g 2010-3-20 5615
92 Soda-Lime Glass Powder 45g 1982-3-1 6219
93a Borosilicate Glass wafer 1991-9-1 5583
94c Zinc-Base Die Casting Alloy 150g 1994-12-16 6458
97b Flint Clay 60g 1988-4-21 7635
98b Plastic Clay 60g 1988-4-1 6171
99b Soda Feldspar 40g 2011-10-7 9050
100b LA Steel, Manganese (SAE T340) 150g 1959-8-1 5853
101g Stainless Steel (AISI 304L) 100g 1986-8-1 5980
106b LA Steel, Cr-Mo-Al (Nitralloy rG) 150g 1961-3-1 5901
107c Cast Iron (Ni-Cr-Mo) 150g 1983-5-1 5996
113b Zinc Concentrate 100g 1995-3-1 7635
114q Portland Cement Fineness Std set (20) 2008-9-15 4501
115a Cast Iron (Cu-Ni-Cr) 150g 1962-4-1 5392
120c Phosphate Rock (Florida) 90g 1988-2-1 5137
121d Stainless Steel, (Cr 17-Ni 11-Ti 0.3) (AISI 321) 150g 2009-9-8 6489
122i Cast Iron 150g 1992-9-1 6378
123c Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Nb (AISI 348) 150g 1981-10-1 5631
126c High-Nickel Steel (36 % Ni) 150g 2009-10-5 6696
127b Solder, 40Sn-60Pb 150g 1990-8-1 6935
129c LA Steel, High Sulfur (SAE 112) 150g 1973-8-1 5837
132b Tool Steel (AISI M2) 150g 1995-8-1 6426
133b Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 150g 2004-3-8 8175
134a Tool Steel, Mo-W-Cr-V 150g 1992-8-21 5615
139b LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8640) 150g 1993-6-22 5710
141d Acetanilide 2g 2012-5-8 5471
142 Anisic Acid 2g 1969-7-1 4581
143d Cystine 2g 2010-8-31 5519
148 Nicotinic Acid 2g 1994-12-12 4978
152a Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.5% Carbon (Tin Bearing) 150g 1965-10-1 5917
154c Titanium Dioxide 90g 2011-1-19 8621
155 LA Steel, Cr-W 150g 1946-10-1 5599
158a Bronze, Silicon 150g 1961-8-1 6839
163 LA Steel, 1.0 C 100g 1968-1-1 6553
165a Glass Sand (Low Iron) 75g 1992-11-9 6330
166c Stainless Steel, Low-Carbon (AISI 316L) 100g 2009-12-18 5758
173c Titanium Alloy (6Al-4V) 50g 2004-7-30 14506
178 0.4C Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel 150g 1969-7-1 5710
179 LA Steel, High Silicon 150g 1994-5-3 5821
180 Fluorspar, High Grade 120g 1986-8-1 4692
181 Lithium Ore (Spodumene) 45g 1981-10-1 4501
182 Lithium Ore (Petalite) 45g 1981-10-1 4135
183 Lithium Ore (Lepidolite) 45g 1981-10-1 4247
186g pH Standards, (set of 186-I-g + 186-II-g) set 2008-3-6 9671
187e Sodium Tetraborate (Borax), pH 30g 2009-3-31 11929
188 Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate, pH 60g 1987-5-1 7603
189c Potassium Tetroxalate Dihydrate pH Standard 65g 2009-1-26 11961
191d pH Standards, (set of 191d-I + 191d-II) 1 bottle x25g;
2009-12-1 18673
196 Ferrochromium, Low Carbon 100g 1970-11-1 6792
198 Silica Brick 45g 1960-1-1 4231
199 Silica Brick 45g 1991-1-28 4231
200b Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate, (KH2PO4) 90g 2010-5-3 10275
277 Tungsten Concentrate 100g 1978-10-1 5519
278 Obsidian Rock 35g 1992-3-1 6028
291 LA Steel, Cr-Mo (ASTM A 213) 150g 1975-10-1 5869
293 LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8620) 150g 1975-3-1 5869
330a Copper Ore Mill Heads 1 bottle x 90g 2010-11-9 9177
331a Copper Ore Mill Tails 40g 2008-3-10 13074
333a Molybdenum Sulfide Concentrate 1 pouch x 60g 2010-2-17 6808
334 Gray Cast Iron (Carbon & Sulfur) 150g 1982-3-1 5949
338 White Cast Iron (Carbon & Sulfur) 150g 1993-5-17 5519
339 Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Se (SAE 30) 150g 1965-7-21 5774
341 Ductile Cast Iron 150g 1962-3-1 6362
342a Nodular Cast Iron 150g 1999-9-1 5790
343a Stainless Steel (AISI 431) 150g 1994-6-1 6092
344 HA Steel, (Mo Precipitation Hardening) 150g 1963-10-1 5917
345a HA Steel, (Cu Precipitation Hardening) 150g 1992-6-1 5758
346a Valve Steel 150g 1992-2-20 6124
348a Hi Temp. Alloy, (A286) Ni-Cr 150g 2009-9-8 8478
349a Waspaloy 150g 1997-1-7 8891
350b Benzoic Acid (Acidimetric) 30g 2005-12-16 8398
351a Sodium Carbonate 50g 2007-11-13 8287
361 AISI 4340 Steel 150g 2001-5-29 7301
363 Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) 150g 2012-4-3 7301
364 LA Steel, High C (mod.) 150g 1993-5-17 5805
368 Carbon Steel (AISI 1211) 150g 1978-1-1 6108
399 Unalloyed Copper VI (chips) 50g 1993-7-1 8128
400 Unalloyed Copper VII (chips) 50g 1986-4-1 9845
423 Molybdenum Oxide Concentrate 1 pouch x 60g 2010-2-17 6855
454 Unalloyed Copper XI (chips) 35g 1986-4-1 9845
457 Unalloyed Copper IV (solid) rod 1986-4-1 8048
458 Beryllium-Copper (17510) 50g 1992-9-30 7619
459 Beryllium-Copper (17200) 50g 1992-9-30 7555
460 Beryllium-Copper (17300) 50g 1992-9-30 7651
480 Tungsten-Molybdenum EPMA disk 1968-11-1 6744
481 Gold-Silver EPMA set (6) 1969-2-1 6744
482 Gold-Copper EPMA set (6) 1988-8-1 6744
494 Unalloyed Copper I (solid) rod 1986-4-1 6935
495 Unalloyed Copper II (solid) rod 1987-10-1 7062
498 Unalloyed Copper V (solid) rod 1993-5-17 6808
499 Unalloyed Copper VI (solid) rod 1986-3-1 6935
500 Unalloyed Copper VII (solid) rod 1986-3-1 7030
600 Bauxite, Australian-Darling Range 90g 1991-1-2 4867
607 Potassium Feldspar 5g 1973-5-1 4660
610 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
611 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
612 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
613 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
614 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
615 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
616 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
617 Trace Elements in Glass 4 wafers 2012-4-6 6887
620 Soda Lime, Flat set (3) 1982-1-1 5965
621 Soda-Lime Container set (3) 1982-1-1 6839
622 Soda-Lime Silica (Durability) 2.2 kg 1976-3-1 4851
623 Borosilicate (Durability) 2.2 kg 1976-3-1 4772
624 Lead-Silica, for dc resistivity 200g 1977-10-1 6426
625 Zinc-Base A block 2005-9-20 7062
626 Zinc-Base B block 2005-9-20 7173
627 Zinc-Base C block 2005-9-20 7078
628 Zinc-Base D block 2005-9-20 7269
629 Zinc-Base E-ASTM AC 41A disk 2005-9-20 7189
630 Zinc-Base F block 2005-9-20 7269
631 Zinc Spelter (mod.) block 1995-2-6 7269
634a Portland Cement 100g 2006-11-8 4326
641 Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (A) disk 1981-10-1 7412
642 Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (B) disk 1981-10-1 7062
643 Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (C) disk 1981-10-1 8303
647 Titanium Alloy, Al-Mo-Sn-Zr 50g 1986-8-1 7555
648 Titanium Alloy, Al-Sn-Zr-Cr-Mo 50g 1987-6-1 8668
649 Titanium Alloy, V-Al-Cr-Sn 50g 1990-7-1 6808
650 Unalloyed Titanium A 30g 1985-11-1 6648
654b Titanium Alloy, Al-V disk 2010-8-19 9432
656 Silicon Nitride Powders for Quantitative Analysis 2 x 10g 2005-9-20 8462
659 Particle Size Distribution Standard for Sedigraph Calibration set (5) 1992-4-21 7221
660b Line Position and Line Shape, Std for Powder Diffraction 6g 2010-4-29 16303
663 Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) 5 rods 2001-5-29 7317
665 Electrolytic Iron 5 rods 1991-12-25 6442
670 Rutile Ore 90g 1993-1-1 4819
671 Nickel Oxide 1 25g 1960-9-12 5328
672 Nickel Oxide 2 25g 1960-9-12 5312
673 Nickel Oxide 3 25g 1960-9-12 5217
674b X-Ray Powder Diffraction Intensity Set (Quantitative Powder Diffraction Standard) 10.00 g (powder) 2012-3-13 12406
675 Line Position, Mica (XRD) 7.5g 1982-6-1 11643
676a Alumina Powder for Quantitative Analysis by X-ray Diffraction 20g 2012-4-23 19548
679 Brick Clay 75g 1987-1-1 6426
680A-L1 High Purity Platinum 10 cm 1995-7-1 4708
682 High Purity Zinc block 1988-1-1 7794
683 Zinc, Metal block 1988-1-1 6426
685r High Purity Gold (Rod) rod 15g 1981-10-1 13027
688 Basalt Rock 60g 1981-8-1 6489
689 Ferrochromium Silicon 100g pow 1982-2-1 5567
690 Iron Ore Canada 100g 1992-6-1 4835
691 Iron Oxide, Reduced 100g 1991-10-1 6108
692 Iron Ore, Labrador 100g 1992-1-1 4803
693 Iron Ore, Nimba 100g 1990-7-31 5090
694 Phosphate Rock, Western 90g 1993-9-1 4708
695 Trace Elements in Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer 70g 2006-6-26 11150
696 Bauxite, Surinam 60g 1991-1-1 5058
697 Bauxite, Dominican 60g 1991-1-2 5233
698 Bauxite, Jamaican 60g 1991-1-2 5440
699 Alumina (Reduction Grade) 60g 2006-11-29 4565
705a Polystyrene 5g 1990-7-1 6489
706a Polystyrene 18g 2011-8-29 8668
709 Extra Dense Lead Glass 500g 1974-6-1 6442
714 Alumina Glass Anneal Pt 225g 1965-10-1 4120
717a Hi Boron Glass Viscosity 450g 1996-9-1 8891
720 Sapphire Heat Capacity 15g 1986-8-1 4772
723e Tris Acidimetric 50g 2011-10-26 6299
726 Selenium, Inter-Purity 450g 1993-4-1 5392
728 Zinc, Intermediate Purity 450g 1996-7-1 5583
731l1 Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 5 cm 1993-6-1 4644
731l2 Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 10 cm 1993-6-1 5805
731l3 Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 15 cm 1993-6-1 6951
738 Stainless Steel - Thermal Expansion 51 x 6.4 mm 1993-5-1 4644
740a Zinc (Freezing Point) 200g 1990-11-1 6569
741a Tin (Freezing Point) 200g 1998-9-2 31938
742 Alumina (Reference Point) 10g 1990-7-1 5042
762 Magnetic Moment Standard Nickel Disk 6 mm dia 2000-2-8 6744
764a Magnetic Susceptibility Standard - Platinum Cylinder 3 mm dia. x 3.42 L 2006-11-13 14299
772a Nickel Sphere for Magnetic Moment each 2005-6-10 6760
773 Soda-Lime-Silica (Glass Liquidus) 7-2.5cm sq x 0.6cm, ~65g 1980-11-1 9384
774 Lead-Silica (Dielectric Constant) block 1982-7-1 8637
781d2 Molybdenum (Heat Capacity) 10 cm 1977-4-1 6426
853a Aluminum Alloy 3004 40g 2003-10-9 14267
854a Aluminum Alloy 5182 40 g chip 2006-4-4 14522
855a Aluminum Casting Alloy 356 30g 1990-1-1 7237
856a Aluminum Casting Alloy 380 30g 1990-1-1 7571
858 Aluminum Alloy 6011 35g 1999-11-22 7539
861 Nickel-based Superalloy 50g 2001-3-28 13106
862 High Temp. Alloy L605 100g 1991-10-1 9098
864 Inconel 600 100g 2012-7-20 10227
865 Inconel 625 150g 1984-5-1 9305
866 Incoloy, 800 100g 1984-5-1 8748
867 Incoloy, 825 100g 1984-5-1 8668
868 High Temp. Alloy Fe-Ni-Co 100g 1993-4-1 7873
871 Bronze, Phosphor (CDA 521) 100g 1979-8-1 6839
872 Bronze, Phosphor (CDA 544) 100g 1979-8-1 6808
874 Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) 100g 1978-1-1 6505
875 Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) 100g 1978-1-1 6410
879 Nickel Silver, (CDA 762) 100g 1979-6-1 6585
880 Nickel Silver, (CDA 770) 100g 1979-6-1 6585
882 Alloy Ni-Cu-Al 100g 1979-8-1 6855
885 Refined Copper 200g 1991-3-1 6664
886 Gold, Ore Refractory 200g 1995-3-6 6012
887 Cemented Carbide (W-83,Co-10) 100g 1988-9-1 5853
888 Cemented Carbide (W-64,Co-25,Ta-5) 100g 1988-9-1 5901
889 Cemented Carbide (W-75,Co-9,Ta-5,Ti-4) 100g 1988-9-1 6187
890 Cast Iron, HC250+V 150g 1982-4-1 6601
891 Cast Iron, Ni-Hard, Type I 150g 1982-4-1 7714
892 Cast Iron, Ni-Hard, Type IV 150g 1982-4-1 6394
893 Stainless Steel (SAE 405) 150g 1992-3-1 6124
895 Stainless Steel (SAE 201) 150g 1991-12-1 6267
897 Tracealloy A 35g 1983-8-1 9623
898 Tracealloy B 35g 1983-8-1 8207
899 Tracealloy C 35g 1983-8-1 8605
900a Antiepilepsy Drugs in Frozen Human Serum 4 vials 2011-12-6 16908
909c Human Serum 3 bottles x 2 mL each 2011-10-28 11500
911c Cholesterol 2g 2009-5-11 11150
912a Urea-Clinical 25g 1990-12-1 5106
913a Uric Acid 10g 2010-1-27 10609
914a Creatinine 10g 1994-2-8 6521
915b Calcium Carbonate (Clinical Standard) 20g 2006-4-7 7173
917c D-Glucose (Dextrose) 50g 2009-6-30 6458
918b Potassium Chloride (Clinical) 30g 2007-2-5 5949
919b Sodium Chloride (Clinical) 30g 2007-3-22 5949
920 D-Mannitol 50g 1972-1-1 5646
921 Cortisol (Hydrocortisone) 1g 1993-2-1 5567
924a Lithium Carbonate (Clinical) 30g 2012-1-24 7173
925 VMA (Clinical) 1g 1973-5-1 6314
929a Magnesium Gluconate 5g 2005-4-26 10148
937 Iron Metal (Clinical) 50g 1995-9-28 4549
951a Boric Acid Isotopic Standard 10g 2011-8-29 5551
953 Neutron Density Monitor Wire 1 m 1969-3-1 4056
955c Toxic Metals in Caprine Blood 4 vials 2010-7-28 10084
956c Electrolytes in Frozen Human Serum 6 x 2.0 mL 2009-7-24 13949
965b Glucose in Frozen Human Serum set (8) (2 each conc) 2009-12-1 12311
967a Creatinine in Frozen Human Serum set(4) (2 each conc) 2010-3-23 9480
968e Fat-Sol Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in Human Serum set (3) (1 each conc.) 2012-6-12 12613
970 Ascorbic Acid in Frozen Human Serum set (4) (2 each conc) 2009-6-29 10005
971 Hormones in Frozen Human Serum 2 x 5 mL 2011-6-29 14490
973 Boric Acid Acidimetric Standard 100g 2008-4-21 6823
975a Chlorine Isotopic Standard 0.25g 2001-1-24 7205
977 Bromine Isotopic Standard 0.25g 1965-3-1 5233
981 Common Lead Isotopic Standard 1 g wire 1991-3-25 6426
984 Rubidium Assay Isotopic Standard 0.25g 1970-7-1 6744
986 Nickel Isotopic Standard 0.5g 1990-5-1 6760
987 Strontium Carbonate Isotopic Standard 1g 2007-6-19 6426
997 Thallium Isotopic Standard 0.25g 2004-12-1 5662
998 Angiotensin I (Human) 0.5 mg 1983-1-1 9193
999b Potassium Chloride (Primary Chemical) 30g 2006-3-23 6155
1003c Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution 28g 2011-8-10 8414
1004b Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution 43g 2011-8-10 7921
1007b Smoke Density Chamber Standard set (3) 2010-12-9 7985
1010a Microcopy Resolution Test Charts set (5) 1998-10-6 6744
1017b Glass (Particle Size) 70g 1995-8-17 8032
1018b Glass (Particle Size) 87g 1997-4-22 8144
1019b Glass (Particle Size) 200g 1997-9-1 7873
1021 Glass ( Particle Size) 4g 2011-12-15 8175
1034 Unalloyed Copper rod 1982-2-1 6903
1035 Leaded-Tin Bronze Alloy 50g 1982-2-1 6887
1048 Smoke Toxicity (Cup Furnace) 8 sheets 1991-11-15 7969
1049 Smoke Toxicity (University of Pittsburgh) 150g 1992-11-3 5376
1051b Barium Cyclohexanebutyrate (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1991-6-10 6823
1052b Bis(1-phenyl-1,3-butanediono)oxovanadium(IV) 5g 1993-4-12 6903
1053a Cadmium Cyclohexanebutyrate (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1970-1-1 6951
1057b Tin (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1968-8-8 6967
1065b Nickel (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1993-11-3 6935
1066a Silicon (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1991-6-1 7062
1069b Sodium (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1991-6-10 7221
1075a Aluminum (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1967-10-25 6839
1077a Silver (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1968-2-1 7205
1078b Chromium (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1972-7-1 6808
1079b Iron (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1969-2-1 6792
1080a Copper (Metallo-Organic) 5g 1969-2-1 6935
1082 Cigarette Ignition Strength Standard 1 carton (200 cigarettes) 2008-5-6 4485
1083 Wear Metals (Base Oil) 150 mL 1991-7-15 7062
1089 Steels, Set (consists of SRMs 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098 and 1099) 5 rods 1970-10-23 6585
1090 Ingot Iron, Oxygen rod 1985-11-1 6489
1091a Stainless Steel (AISI 431) rod 1985-11-1 6553
1093 Valve Steel, Oxygen rod 1984-11-1 7221
1094 Maraging Steel rod 1984-11-1 6521
1107 Naval Brass B disk 1981-11-1 7666
1110 Red Brass B disk 1981-10-1 8828
1111 Red Brass C disk 1981-10-1 8096
1112 Gilding Metal A (disk) disk 1981-10-1 7841
1113 Gilding Metal B (disk) disk 1981-10-1 7857
1114 Gilding Metal C (disk) disk 1981-10-1 7746
1115 Commercial Bronze A (disk) disk 1981-11-1 7523
1116 Commercial Bronze B (disk) disk 1981-11-1 7841
1117 Commercial Bronze C (disk) disk 1981-11-1 7905
1124 Free Cutting Brass (UNS C36000) 1 disk 2011-5-19 14888
1128 Ti Alloy, V-Al-Cr-Sn disk 1991-7-1 9511
1129 Solder (63Sn-37Pb) 200g 1989-5-1 9639
1131 Solder (60Pb-40Sn) disk 1981-10-1 7348
1132 Bearing Metal (Pb-Sn) disk 1994-11-18 6617
1134 LA Steel, High Silicon disk 2011-4-14 7094
1135 LA Steel, High Silicon disk 1972-7-1 6140
1138a Cast Steel (No. 1) disk 1977-1-1 6601
1139a Cast Steel (No. 2) disk 1977-1-1 6633
1157 Specialty Steel, Tool (AISI M2) disk 1973-8-1 6235
1158 High-Nickel Steel (36% Ni) disk 2009-9-8 6728
1159 Elec/Mag Ni-Fe disk 1981-8-1 8064
1160 Elec/Mag Ni-Mo-Fe disk 1981-8-1 7953
1171 Stainless Steel Cr 17-Ni 11-Ti 0.3 (AISI 321) disk 2009-9-23 6585
1172 Stainless Steel Cr 17-Ni 11-Nb 0.6 (AISI 348) disk 1971-7-1 7762
1173 Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel disk 1989-6-1 6696
1196 Standard Cigarette for Ignition Resistance Testing 2 cartons(400 cigarettes) 2011-3-15 5281
1216 Carbon Modified Silica 3 x 1g 1987-11-1 8414
1218 LA Steel, High Silicon disk 1984-11-1 7651
1219 Stainless Steel Cr-Ni (AISI 431) disk 1985-9-1 6569
1223 Chromium Steel disk 1993-5-26 6219
1224 LA Steel, Carbon (AISI 1078) disk 1981-2-1 6823
1225 LA Steel (AISI 4130) disk 1983-3-1 7523
1226 LA Steel disk 1996-9-18 6823
1228 LA Steel, 0.1% C disk 1993-6-25 6569
1230 High Temp. Alloy, A286 disk 2009-9-8 8112
1240c Aluminum Alloy 3004 disk 2003-10-9 14267
1241c Aluminum Alloy 5182 disk 2006-7-22 14522
1242 High Temp. Alloy L-605 disk 1991-11-1 9845
1244 Inconel 600 disk 2012-7-20 10227
1246 Incoloy® 800 disk 1984-5-1 8382
1247 Incoloy® 825 disk 1984-5-1 8382
1249 Nickel-based Superalloy disk 2006-3-7 8494
1250 High Temp. Alloy Fe-Ni-Co disk 1993-7-19 7746
1254 LA Steel (Ca only) disk 1982-4-1 5726
1255b Aluminum Alloy 356 disk 2006-4-4 14522
1256b Aluminum Alloy 380 disk 2006-4-4 14522
1258-I Aluminum Alloy 6011 disk 2004-6-4 7619
1259 Aluminum Alloy 7075 disk 1978-5-1 8716
1264a LA Steel, High Carbon (mod.) disk 2006-10-20 7221
1265a Electrolytic Iron disk 1989-6-1 7221
1269 Line Pipe (AISI 1526 mod.) disk 1981-6-1 7142
1270 LA Steel, Cr-Mo (A336) (F-22) disk 1981-6-1 6521
1271 LA Steel (HSLA-100) disk 1991-10-1 7921
1276a Cupro-Nickel (CDA 715) disk 1989-6-1 8319
1286 Low Alloy Steel (HY 80) disk 1992-3-16 6092
1295 Stainless Steel (SAE 405) disk 1992-3-9 7428
1297 Stainless Steel (SAE 201) disk 1991-12-1 7857
1358b Coating Thickness Standard, (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) set (4) 2001-11-13 13647
1361b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel set (4) 2001-11-13 13631
1362b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel set (4) 2001-11-13 13631
1364b Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel set (4) 2001-11-13 13631
1400 Bone Ash 50g 1992-12-18 7873
1411 Soft Borosilicate Glass set (10) 1985-8-1 7921
1413 Glass Sand (High Alumina) 75g 1985-8-1 7587
1416 Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature 250g 1994-5-1 7682
1449 Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board each 1989-1-1 14506
1450d Thermal Conductivity, Fibrous Glass Board each 2012-1-20 11675
1452 Thermal Resistance - Fibrous Glass Blanket for High Precison Measurements each 1986-4-14 12231
1457 Superconducting Nb-Ti Wire each 1984-6-1 7507
1459 Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board each 1989-1-1 9257
1473b Low Density Polyethylene Resin 60g 2011-10-17 8843
1474a Polyethylene Resin 60g 2011-9-28 10895
1475a Polyethylene, Linear 50g 1996-6-21 15078
1476a Branched Polyethylene Resin 12g 2011-9-28 14490
1478 Polystyrene, Narrow Mol. Wt. 2g 1992-7-15 6267
1479 Polystyrene, Narrow Mol. Wt. 2g 1992-3-20 7126
1484a Polyethylene, Linear 0.3g 1992-10-2 15412
1486 Bone Meal 50g 1992-12-18 7873
1487 Poly (methyl methacrylate) 2g 1989-6-1 8955
1488 Poly (methyl methacrylate) 2g 1988-2-1 8907
1489 Poly (methyl methacrylate) 2g 1986-3-1 8525
1496 Polyethylene Gas Pipe Resin 0.9 kg 1988-9-1 6712
1507b THC-COOH in Freeze-Dried Urine set (3) 2011-5-25 11070
1508a Benzoylecgonine (Cocaine Metabolite) in Freeze-dried Urine set (4) 2009-12-22 10529
1514 Thermal Analysis Purity Set (DSC) set (4) 1984-7-1 5090
1515 Apple Leaves 50g 1993-1-1 7364
1544 Fatty Acids/Cholesterol in Frozen Diet Composite 4x15g 2008-10-9 7523
1546 Meat Homogenate 4x85g 2009-9-9 8939
1547 Peach Leaves 50g 1993-1-22 7189
1548a Typical Diet set (2) 2009-4-15 14776
1566b Oyster Tissue 25g 2011-2-7 12088
1570a Trace Elements in Spinach Leaves 60g 2008-10-8 9066
1573a Tomato Leaves 50g 1995-11-22 8016
1575a Trace Elements in Pine Needles 50 g powder 2012-6-13 9177
1577c Bovine Liver 20g 2009-6-15 8987
1580 Organics in Shale Oil 5 x 1.2 mL 2012-6-26 10434
1582 Petroleum Crude Oil 5 x 1.2 mL 2012-6-26 10434
1588c Organics in Fish Oil 5 ampoules x 1.2mL 2011-11-21 9671
1595 Tripalmitin 2g 1983-7-1 7332
1598a Inorganic Constituents in Animal Serum 2 vials 2008-8-25 13090
1599 2 Anticonvulsant Drugs set (4) 1982-8-1 7476
1619b Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (0.7%) 100 mL 2010-2-24 5615
1620c Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (4%) 100 mL 2010-7-7 5949
1621e Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (1%) 100 mL 2010-9-16 5583
1622e Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (2 %) 100 mL 2006-5-16 5519
1624d Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil, 0.4% 100 mL 2006-2-24 5774
1632d Trace Elements in Coal, (Bituminous) 50g 2011-2-8 9305
1633c Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash 75g 2011-6-22 8859
1635a Trace Elements in Coal, (Subbitumimous) 50g 2012-7-19 9273
1646a Estuarine Sediment 70g 2004-2-20 9845
1648a Urban Particulate Matter 2g 2012-1-5 12995
1649b Urban Dust 2g 2009-2-23 10323
1650b Diesel Particulate Matter 200 mg 2006-9-27 10848
1655 Potassium Chloride, KCl (cr) for Solution Calorimetry 30g 1981-3-1 6458
1656 Thianthrene Combustion Calorimetry 30g 1985-1-1 5949
1657 Synthetic Refuse-Derived Fuel 100g 1993-5-14 4676
1710 Aluminum Alloy 3004 disk 1993-1-26 10323
1711 Aluminum Alloy 3004 disk 1993-6-1 9973
1712 Aluminum Alloy 3004 disk 1993-1-26 9798
1713 Aluminum Alloy 5182 disk 1993-1-26 9400
1714 Aluminum Alloy 5182 disk 1993-1-26 9400
1715 Aluminum Alloy 5182 disk 1993-1-26 9400
1727 Anode Tin block 2003-1-29 13122
1728 Tin Alloy (Sn-3Cu-0.5Ag) 1 disc 2010-11-29 13806
1729 Tin Alloy (97Sn-3Pb) 1 disc 2010-9-10 11897
1736 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk 2008-7-14 7078
1737 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk 2008-7-14 7078
1738 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk 2008-7-14 7078
1739 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk 2008-7-14 7078
1740 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk 2008-7-14 7078
1741 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk 2008-7-14 7078
1742 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy disk 2008-7-14 7078
1745 Indium (Freezing Point) 200g 1998-3-1 20232
1746 Silver (Freezing Point) 300g 1993-7-1 29664
1747 Tin Freezing Point Cell each 2010-1-15 185028
1748 Zinc Freezing Point Cell each 2010-1-15 185028
1749 Gold vs. Platinum Thermocouple Thermometer each 1998-3-1 132954
1754 Steel (AISI 4320) rod 1989-2-1 6124
1755 Nitrogen in Low Alloy Steel disk 2000-12-8 6839
1761a Low Alloy Steel disk 2008-2-29 7682
1762a Low Alloy Steel disk 2009-9-9 7603
1763a Low Alloy Steel disk 2010-7-8 7619
1764a Low Alloy Steel disk 2009-6-9 7651
1765 Low Alloy Steel disk 1993-2-26 6887
1766 Low Alloy Steel disk 1993-2-26 6887
1767 Low Alloy Steel disk 1993-6-9 6887
1768 High-Purity Iron disk 2011-10-25 7985
1772 Tool Steel (S-7) disk 1995-10-1 7730
1775 MP 35N Refractory Alloy disk 2000-10-10 9671
1810a Linerboard 50 each 1997-5-1 3913
1818a Chlorine in Lub. Base Oil set (5) 1994-4-1 9480
1819a Sulfur in Lub. Base Oil set (5) 1994-4-11 9957
1828b Ethanol-Water Solutions 6 x 1.2 mL 2004-3-26 6855
1830 Soda Lime Float Glass 3 platelets 2008-12-22 5217
1831 Soda Lime Sheet Glass 3 platelets 2008-12-22 5217
1834 Fused Ore (Glass) disk 1990-7-1 9702
1835 Borate Ore 60g 1987-9-1 6808
1848 Lubricating Oil Additive Package 100g 2010-10-1 9416
1849a Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula 10 packets x 10 g each 2012-8-7 10482
1857 Tool Steel for Abrasive Wear 2 blocks 1983-3-1 8859
1879a Respirable Cristobalite 5g 2005-9-21 11325
1880b Portland Cement 4 vials x 5g 2010-5-25 5758
1881a Portland Cement 4x5g 2002-2-12 4708
1882a Calcium Aluminate Cement 4x5g 1999-11-19 4819
1883a Calcium Aluminate Cement 4x5g 1999-11-19 4851
1884b Portland Cement 5 vials x 4.5g 2009-11-2 5980
1886a Portland Cement (White Portland Cement with Low Iron) 4 x 5g 2002-2-14 4708
1888b Portland Cement 4 vials x 5g 2010-7-27 5646
1889a Portland Cement (Blended with Limestone) 4 x 5g 2002-2-13 4692
1893 Copper Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) each 2011-7-20 26037
1894a Microhardness Cu-Vickers each 2003-10-10 18275
1895 Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) each 2011-7-21 26037
1896b Microhardness Ni-Vickers each 2001-4-13 18562
1898 Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterial 15g 2012-6-14 8430
1900 Specific Surface Area Standard 4g 1998-3-1 5853
1905 Microhardness, Ni-Knoop each 1992-3-1 14776
1906 Microhardness, Ni-Knoop each 1994-11-1 21091
1907 Microhardness, Ni-Knoop each 1995-3-1 13202
1908 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel each 2003-10-10 17496
1909 Vickers Microhardness of Nickel each 2003-10-10 17496
1917 Mercury Porosimetry Standard 10g 2010-10-7 10736
1918 Mercury Porosimeter Intrusion Standard 12g 2011-12-29 14251
1921b IR Transmission Wavelength (Polystyrene Film) 1 card 2010-3-3 8414
1922 Liquid Refractive Index - Mineral Oil 30 mL 2009-6-24 8032
1932 Fluorescein Solution 3 x 2 ML 2012-6-18 10895
1935a Potassium Dichromate Solution/UV Absorbance Standard set (10) 2008-8-5 21361
1939a PCBs in River Sediment A 50g 2008-9-30 10052
1941b Organics in Marine Sediment 50g 2008-9-30 11054
1944 New York/New Jersey Waterway Sediment 50g 2011-9-27 10577
1945 Organics in Whale Blubber 2x15g 2007-12-6 10020
1946 Lake Superior Fish Tissue 5 x 7-9 grams 2003-9-29 11993
1947 Lake Michigan Fish Tissue 5 x 8 grams 2007-8-30 15635
1953 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Milk 5 vials x 5 mL 2009-6-4 9925
1954 Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Milk 5 vials x 5 mL 2009-6-4 9925
1955 Homocysteine and Folate in Frozen Human Serum set (3) (1 each conc) 2010-11-11 12518
1957 Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Serum 5 vials x 10 mL 2011-66-6 11452
1958 Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Serum 5 vials x 10 mL 2010-8-26 11452
1959 Drugs of Abuse in Frozen Human Serum 2 vials x 5 mL 2011-3-21 13313
1961 Polystyrene Spheres (30 µm Diameter Particle Size) 5 mL 1987-1-1 18641
1963a Nominal 100 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres 5 mL 2007-1-10 21361
1964 Nominal 60 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres 5 mL 2007-1-10 18593
1965 Polystyrene Spheres (on Slide) (10 µm Particle Size) slide 1987-1-1 4565
1967 Pt Thermocouple Wire 1 m 1990-7-1 10418
1970 Succinonitrile Triple Point each 1991-4-1 13361
1971 Indium Freezing-Point each 1990-8-1 19436
1972 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one Triple Point 60g 1994-5-1 18164
1975 Diesel Particulate Extract 4x1.2 mL 2008-4-1 7126
1976b Instrument Response Std for, X-Ray Powder Diffraction 1 disc 2012-2-8 10673
1978 Zirconium Oxide (Particle Size) 5g 1993-10-4 5917
1982 Zirconia Thermal Spray Powder 10g 1996-11-1 5615
1984 Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Acicular) 14g 2010-11-7 6553
1985 Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Spheroidal) 14g 2011-12-15 6601
1990 Lattice Parameter/Single, Crystal (Ruby Spheres) 3 spheres 2001-2-28 7889
1994 Standard Silicon Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation 100-mm wafer 2007-2-6 34292
1995 Standard Sapphire Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation 50-mm wafer 2008-10-2 51534
2000 Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction 1 block 2012-3-5 26164
2012 Calibration Standard for High Resolution X Ray Diffraction wafer 2011-1-27 153599
2035a Near Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber each 2012-5-4 37903
2037 Solvent Red 24 Diesel Fuel Dye 100 mg powder 2005-2-23 12502
2061 Ti Alloy, Al-Nb-W cube 2005-5-16 12231
2066 K-411 Glass Microspheres 50 mg 2000-8-23 4199
2073a Sinusoidal Roughness each 2011-6-30 15460
2087 Dimensional Standard for Medical Computed Tomography each 2012-8-14 9352
2092 Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) set 2011-8-30 10832
2093 Low Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (Self- Verification) 5 bars 2011-8-25 8732
2096 High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) set 2011-11-30 10832
2097 High Energy Charpy V Notch Impact Specimen (Self-Verification) 5 bars 2011-8-25 8732
2100 Fracture Toughness of Ceramic 5 bars 1999-6-7 9830
2112 Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN) set of four 2010-12-9 10832
2113 Dynamic Impact Force Verific, Specimens (Nominal 33kN) set of four 2011-12-9 10832
2115 Low Energy Izod Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) set 2006-8-14 10036
2133 Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profile each 2011-12-9 37569
2134 Arsenic in Silicon each 2010-8-5 29139
2135c Ni-Cr Thin Film Depth Profile each 1999-2-1 18100
2137 B Implant in Si Depth Profile each 2010-8-5 25083
2139 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 100g 2008-7-31 7078
2141 Urea 2g 1970-8-1 4835
2143 p-Fluorobenzoic Acid 2g 1982-1-1 5217
2144 m-Chlorobenzoic Acid 2g 1973-4-1 4931
2151 Nicotinic Acid (Combustion Calorimetric Standard) 25g 1985-1-1 5360
2152 Urea (Combustion Calorimetric Standard) 25g 1985-1-1 5408
2159 LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only 200g 1990-3-1 8048
2160 LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only 200g 1990-3-1 8223
2165 Low Alloy Steel 150g 2011-6-7 8684
2166 LA Steel, F 150g 2011-6-3 8589
2167 LA Steel,g 150g 2011-6-2 8684
2168 High Purity Iron 150g 2011-6-1 8684
2171 LA Steel, (HSLA 100) 150g 1991-10-1 6410
2172 S-7 Tool Steel 150g 1996-12-31 6601
2175 MP 35N Refractory Alloy 150g 2000-10-10 9766
2181 HEPES Free Acid 60g 1992-3-4 7873
2182 NaHEPESate 60g 1992-3-1 7873
2183 MOPSO Free Acid 50g 1992-3-5 9782
2184 NaMOPSOate 50g 1992-3-5 9782
2185 Pot. Hydrogen Phthalate 60g 1984-11-1 7825
2186i Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 30g 1968-5-1 7078
2186-II Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 30g 1968-5-1 7269
2191a Sodium Bicarbonate 30g 1994-2-18 7825
2192a Sodium Carbonate 30g 1994-2-18 7969
2193a Calcium Carbonate pH Standard 30g 2007-12-13 14713
2201 Sodium Chloride (Ion-Selective) 125g 1993-5-1 7110
2206 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (300nm) 5g 2012-4-27 6919
2207 Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (18nm) 5g 2012-4-27 6919
2232 Indium DSC Calibration Standard - Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion 1g 2005-7-21 5471
2235 Bismuth for Thermal Analysis 1.5g 2012-3-9 5726
2241 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation each 2010-12-2 18927
2242 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitation each 2008-9-30 20089
2243 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 488 nm and 514.5 nm Excitation each 2009-6-11 20089
2244 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 1064 nm Excitation each 2009-12-3 28725
2245 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 633 nm Excitation each 2011-9-27 18943
2321 Sn-Pb Alloy Coating each 1991-6-1 11913
2366 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) for DNA Measurements 3 vials 2011-8-25 9448
2377 Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5 x 1.2 mL ampoules 2010-10-6 8509
2381 Morphine and Codeine in Urine set (4) 1993-7-15 9002
2382 Morphine Glucuronide in Urine set (4) 1993-7-15 8334
2384 Baking Chocolate 5 X 91g 2009-1-27 12120
2385 Slurried Spinach 4x70g 2012-4-26 11754
2387 Peanut Butter 3 x 170g 2009-9-30 12374
2389a Amino Acids in 0.1 mol/L Hydrochloric Acid 5 x 1.2 mL 2010-7-1 9305
2391c PCR Based DNA Profiling Standard 6 vials 2011-8-11 11388
2392 Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing set (3) 2009-1-12 16255
2392-I Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing each 2007-12-7 7682
2393 CAG Repeat Length Mutation in Huntington's Disease set (6) 2011-3-22 10720
2394 Heteroplasmic Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Detection Std set (10) 2009-6-9 17846
2395 Human Y-Chromosome DNA Profiling Standard set (6) 2008-9-3 7985
2396 Oxidative DNA Damage Mass Spectrometry Standards set (10) 2012-4-10 28407
2426 55 % Aluminum - Zinc Alloy 40 g chip 2006-3-31 13504
2430 Scheelite Ore 100g 1987-1-1 5312
2431 Titanium Base Alloy 50g 1993-8-16 7348
2432 Titanium Base Alloy 50g 1993-8-16 7476
2433 Titanium Alloy 50g 1996-4-1 8605
2451 Fine Carbon (Activated) - From Cyanide Ore Leaching 100g 2009-1-15 13122
2452 Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy 10g 2005-4-25 15460
2453 Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy 10g 2005-8-5 15460
2454 Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy 10g 2005-5-3 15317
2460 Standard Bullet each 2006-10-30 34594
2461 Standard Cartridge Case 1 each 2012-6-22 5678
2483 Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot) 250 mg 2011-11-14 14840
2490 Non-Newtonian Polymer Solution for Rheological Measurements 100 mL 2011-5-24 16096
2491 Non-Newtonian Polymer Melt for Rheology 100 mL 2002-12-31 15826
2492 Bingham Paste Mixture for Rheological Measurements kit for two batches 2012-7-5 7555
2514 Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1560 nm to 1595 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-12/O-16) each 2002-5-17 105103
2517a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1510–1540 nm Acetylene 12C2H2 each 2005-6-13 67376
2518 Polarization Mode Dispersion each 2004-12-14 141845
2519a High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1530-1565 nm Hydrogen Cyanide each 2005-5-13 67376
2520 Optical Fiber Diameter each 2004-9-23 48098
2522 Pin Gage for Optical Fiber Ferrul each 1996-5-6 13885
2523 Optical Fiber Ferrule Geometry each 1997-8-15 13536
2538 Polarization-Mode Dispersion (Non-Mode-Coupled) each 2002-9-23 114551
2541 Silicon Resistivity each 2004-1-6 31715
2543 Silicon Resistivity each 2004-6-15 32145
2546 Silicon Resistivity each 1997-12-15 31334
2556 Recycled Pellet (Autocatalyst) 70g 2007-5-9 6330
2557 Recycled Monolith (Autocatalyst) 70g 1993-8-24 6330
2569 Lead Paint Films for Children's Products 8 sheets 2012-5-17 7985
2570 Lead Paint Film, White/Blank Nominal <0.001 mg/cm2 1 film 2009-3-24 4294
2571 Lead Paint Film (Yellow), Nominal 3.5 mg/cm2 1 +blank 2009-3-24 4772
2572 Lead Paint Film (Orange), Nominal 1.6 mg/cm2 1 +blank 2009-3-24 4883
2573 Lead Paint Film (Red), Nominal 1.0 mg/cm2 1 +blank 2009-3-24 4851
2574 Lead Paint Film (Gold), Nominal 0.7 mg/cm2 1 +blank 2009-3-24 4867
2575 Lead Paint Film (Green), Nominal 0.3 mg/cm2 1 +blank 2009-3-24 4851
2576 Lead Paint Film, High Level 1 +blank 2009-3-24 5106
2579a Lead Paint Films for Portable XRF Analyzers set (6) 2009-3-24 7189
2580 Powdered Paint Nominal 4% Lead 30g 2009-5-15 5694
2581 Powdered Paint Nominal 0.5 % Lead 35g 2009-6-8 5249
2582 Powdered Paint Nominal 200mg/kg Lead 20g 2009-6-8 5790
2583 Trace Elements in Indoor Dust 8g 2010-11-30 6378
2584 Trace Elements in Indoor Dust 8g 2010-11-7 9559
2585 Organic Contaminants in House Dust 10g 2011-9-19 9511
2586 Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint) 55g 2008-6-24 7014
2587 Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint) 55g 2008-6-24 6839
2589 Powdered Paint Nominal 10% Lead 35g 2009-6-8 5678
2668 Toxic Elements in Frozen Human Urine Set (10) (5 each conc) 2011-11-3 12677
2669 Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine Set (10) (5 each conc.) 2009-1-22 9257
2670a Toxic Elements in Urine (Freeze-Dried) set (4) (2 each conc) 2011-8-1 15396
2678 Membrane Blank Filter set (10) 1988-5-1 6203
2681 Ashless Blank Filter set (10) 1988-5-2 7412
2683c Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury, and Chlorine) 50g 2012-5-22 6346
2686a Portland Cement Clinker 4 x 7g 2009-8-4 6458
2687 Portland Cement Clinker 3 x 10g 2010-12-14 6458
2688 Portland Cement Clinker 3 x 10g 2010-4-16 6458
2689 Coal Fly Ash set (3) 2012-8-10 5440
2690 Coal Fly Ash set (3) 2012-8-10 5440
2691 Coal Fly Ash set (3) 2012-8-10 5440
2692c Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury and Chlorine) 50g 2010-9-29 6187
2693 Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury, and Chlorine) 50g 2007-8-15 6171
2695 Fluoride in Vegetation 2 x 25 g (1 ea conc) 1991-8-1 6410
2696 Silica Fume 70g 2007-9-17 8255
2701 Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil (High Level) 75g 2009-9-23 11579
2702 Inorganics in Marine Sediment 50g 2012-7-16 8271
2703 Sediment for Solid Sampling (Small, Sample) Analytical Techniques 5g 2005-6-14 10498
2709a San Joaquin Soil 50g 2009-4-7 11404
2710a Montana I Soil 50g 2009-4-7 11404
2711a Montana II Soil 50g 2009-5-22 11404
2716 Sulfur in Gasoline (<1 mg/kg) 5 ampoules x 20 mL 2011-6-14 6299
2717a Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (3%) 100 mL 2010-6-10 5901
2719 Calcined Petroleum Coke 50g 2010-8-30 7046
2723a Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil 10 x 10 mL 2006-2-24 5678
2770 Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil (40 mg/kg) 10 x 10 mL 2006-2-24 5281
2771 Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Blend Stock 1 bottle x 100 mL 2010-9-28 5933
2772 B100 Biodiesel (Soy-Based) 5 ampoules x 10 mL each 2011-9-28 6442
2773 B100 Biodiesel (Animal-Based) 5 ampoules x 10 mL each 2011-9-28 6442
2775 Foundry Coke 50g 2010-8-30 5026
2776 Furnace Coke 50g 2010-8-30 5599
2780 Hard Rock Mine Waste 50g 2003-1-31 7428
2781 Domestic Sludge 40g 1996-10-25 8175
2782 Industrial Sludge 70g 2011-9-9 8891
2783 Air Particulate on Filter Media 2 +2 Blnk (47 mm dia) 2011-7-19 13154
2786 Fine Particulate Matter (<4 µm) 1 bottle 2011-6-15 11850
2787 Fine Particulate Matter ( <10 µm) 1 bottle 2011-6-15 11850
2798a Vickers Microhardness of Nickel each 2003-10-10 17496
2812 Rockwell C Hardness, High Range each 2011-11-15 16160
2816 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale Low Range (Nominal 72 HR 15N) 1 block 2011-12-8 15810
2817 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale Mid Range (Nominal 83 HR 15N) 1 block 2011-12-8 15810
2818 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale,High Range (Nominal 91 HR 15N) 1 block 2011-12-8 15810
2819 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale Low Range (Nominal 45 HR30N) 1 block 2011-12-8 15810
2820 Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale Mid Range (Nominal 64 HR30N) 1 block 2011-12-8 15810
2821 Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale High Range (Nominal 79 HR30N) 1 block 2011-12-8 15810
2828 Knoop Microhardness of Steel 1 block 2011-7-22 17862
2829 Vickers Microhardness of Steel 1 block 2011-7-21 17862
2830 Microhardness, Ceramic-Knoop each 1996-2-3 15253
2831 Vickers Hardness, Ceramics and Hardmetals each 2003-6-20 16065
2841 Semiconductor Thin Film: AlxGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers disk 2011-10-18 71018
2842 Semiconductor Thin Film: A1xGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers disk 2011-10-18 77301
2853 Magnetic Moment Standard - Yttrium Iron Garnet Sphere ea 2002-5-20 6760
2855 Additive Elements in Polyethylene 3 bottles 2009-4-1 14156
2870 Relative Permittivity and Loss Tangent, 1422 Cross-Linked Polystyrene circular-cylindrical puck 2006-10-25 63860
2881 Polystyrene Absolute Molecular Mass Distribution Standard 0.3g 2008-12-12 17846
2890 Water Saturated 1-Octanol 5 x 2 mL 2008-7-31 6140
2891 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.02 %) 5 x 1.2 mL 2004-3-26 6521
2892 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.04 %) 5 x 1.2 mL 2004-3-26 6521
2893 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.08 %) 5 x 1.2 mL 2004-3-26 6235
2894 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.1 %) 5 x 1.2 mL 2004-3-26 6426
2895 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.2 %) 5 x 1.2 mL 2004-3-26 6521
2896 Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.3 %) 5 x 1.2 mL 2004-3-26 6489
2898 Ethanol-Water Solution, (nom. 6%) 5 x 10 mL 2004-3-26 6521
2899a Ethanol-Water Solution, (nominal 25 % by mass) 5 ampoules x 10 mL 2009-12-10 8144
2900 Ethanol-Water Solution, (nominal 95.6%) 10 mL 2006-6-19 6124
2905 Trace Particulate Explosive Simulants 4 bottles x 1 g each 2009-8-13 7746
2907 Trace Terrorist Explosives Simulants 2 bottles 2012-1-30 8319
2921 Human Cardiac Troponin Complex 5x115 uL 2010-1-28 10529
2940 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Orange Emission 412 nm each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm 2007-4-18 37919
2941 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Green Emission 427 nm each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm 2007-4-18 37903
2942 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Ultraviolet Emission 310.0 nm each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm 2009-6-11 39271
2943 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Blue Emission each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm 2009-10-5 34849
2944 Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Red Emission 510.0 nm 2011-9-6 31668
2950 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 10-500 µg 30 filters plus 30 blanks 2007-2-7 5297
2951 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 5 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4469
2952 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 10 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4469
2953 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 20 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4454
2954 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 50 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4469
2955 Respirable Alpha Quartz on, Filter Media, 100 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4469
2956 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 250 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4469
2957 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 500 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4469
2958 Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 1000 µg 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4469
2960 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 5 ug - 250 ug 30 filters plus 30 blanks 2007-2-7 6871
2961 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 5 ug 5 filters plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4724
2962 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 10 ug 5 loaded plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4724
2963 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 20 ug 5 loaded plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4724
2964 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 50 ug 5 loaded plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4724
2965 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 100 ug 5 loaded plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4724
2966 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 250 ug 5 loaded plus 5 blanks 2007-1-23 4724
2967 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 500 ug 5 loaded plus 5 blanks 2007-2-7 4724
2974a Organics in Freeze-Dried Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis) 5g 2010-5-7 10720
2975 Diesel Particulate Matter 1g 2009-3-19 7841
2976 Mussel Tissue (Trace Elements & Methylmercury) Freeze-dried 25g 2008-4-8 9957
3064 Endothall in Water 5 x 1.2 mL 2003-5-14 6823
3067 Toxaphene in Methanol 5x1.2 mL 2010-8-31 6823
3075 Aroclor 1016 in Transformer Oil 5x1.2 mL 2012-6-20 7237
3076 Aroclor 1232 in Transformer Oil 5x1.2 mL 2012-6-20 7237
3077 Aroclor 1242 in Transformer Oil 5x1.2 mL 2012-6-20 7237
3078 Aroclor 1248 in Transformer Oil 5x1.2 mL 2012-6-20 7237
3079 Aroclor 1254 in Transformer Oil 5x1.2 mL 2012-6-20 7237
3080 Aroclor 1260 in Transformer Oil 5x1.2 mL 2012-6-20 7237
3090 Aroclors in Transformer Oil set (SRMs 3075-3080) 2012-6-20 7603
3091 Aroclors in Methanol set (SRMs 3081-3086) 2012-6-20 7110
3107 Boron (B) Standard Solution (nominal 5 mg/g) 50 mL 2012-5-16 6871
3150 Silicon (Si) Standard Solution 50 mL 2011-11-3 6871
3180 Iodide Anion (I-) Standard Solution 5 ampoules x 5 mL 2012-3-13 13058
3181 Sulfate Anion Standard Solution 5x10 mL 2011-12-1 10911
3182 Chloride Anion Standard Solution 5 x 10 mL 2011-12-5 10911
3183 Fluoride Anion Standard Solution 50 mL 2011-12-8 10895
3184 Bromide Anion Standard Solution 5x10 mL 2011-12-5 10911
3185 Nitrate Anion Standard Solution 5 X 10 mL 2012-12-5 10895
3186 Phosphate Anion Standard Solution 5 X 10 mL 2012-12-8 10911
3246 Ginkgo biloba (leaves) 5 X 3g 2007-7-27 9480
3247 Ginkgo biloba Extract 5 x 1g 2007-7-9 9480
3248 Ginkgo-Containing Tablets 5 x 1g 2007-7-27 9480
3249 Ginkgo Dietary Supplement Suite 2 each:SRMs 3246-3248 2007-7-31 11770
3250 Serenoa repens (Fruit) 6 g x 5 packets 2009-1-5 9655
3251 Serenoa repens Extract 1 mL x 5 ampoules 2009-1-13 9655
3254 Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Leaves 5 packets x 3 g each 2010-11-15 8796
3255 Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Extract 5 packets x 1 g each 2010-11-15 8796
3256 Green Tea-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form 5 packets x 2.5 g each 2010-11-15 8796
3257 Catechin Calibration Solution 12 x 2 mL 2011-9-14 7237
3258 Bitter Orange (Fruit) 5 x 5g 2008-4-3 9289
3259 Bitter Orange Extract 5 x 1.2g 2008-4-3 9289
3260 Bitter Orange-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form 5 x 2.5g 2008-4-3 9289
3261 Bitter Orange Dietary Supplemental Suite 2 each SRMs 3258-3260 2008-4-3 11309
3266 Hypericin Calibration Solution 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL 2012-1-17 6219
3274 Botanical Oils Containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 FattyAcids 4 ampoules x 1.2 mL 2009-1-27 6664
3276 Carrot Extract in Oil 5 ampoules 2012-8-27 9114
3278 Tocopherols in Edible Oils 5 x 1 mL 2009-12-10 8255
3280 Multivitamin/Multielement Tablets 30 tablets x 5 bottles 2012-5-9 11134
3281 Cranberry (fruit) 5 packets x 6 g each 2012-2-29 7714
3282 Low-Calorie Cranberry Juice Cocktail 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL each 2010-9-14 8971
3283 Cranberry Extract 5 packets x 2.5 g each 2012-2-24 7714
3284 Cranberry-Containing Solid, Oral Dosage Form 5 packets x 2.5 g each 2012-2-24 7714
3285 Mixed Berry-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form 5 packets x 2.5 g each 2012-2-24 7714
3286 Organic Acids Calibration Standard five 2 mL ampoules 2011-7-25 5980
3287 Blueberry (Fruit) 5 packets x 5 g each 2011-12-22 7714
3291 Bilberry Extract 5 packets x 1 g each 2012-2-24 7714
3451 Low Temperature Seebeck Coefficient Standard bar 2011-10-13 7189
3668 Mercury, Perchlorate, and, Iodide in Frozen Human Urine Set (10) (5 each conc) 2011-11-3 15062
4350B River Sediment (Radioactivity) 85g 1981-9-1 11563
4351 Human Lung Powder 45g 1987-10-1 11054
4352 Human Liver Powder 45g 1982-6-1 10482
4353A Rocky Flats Soil Number 2 90g 2007-7-1 12565
4354 Lake Sediment Powder 25g 1986-2-1 12836
4356 Ashed Bone (Radioactivity) 15g 2000-1-1 13106
4357 Ocean Sediment Powder 85g 1997-3-1 14092
4359 Seaweed Radionuclide Standard 300g 2005-11-1 13472
5000 Overlay Wafer Standard each 2007-8-14 182102
5001 Two-Dimensional Grid Photomask, Std each 2008-5-30 95131
8010 Sand for Sand Sieve Analysis 3 x 150g 2004-5-18 4533
8011 Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 10nm Diameter two 5 mL ampoules 2007-12-13 5551
8012 Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 30nm Diameter two 5 mL ampoules 2007-12-13 5551
8013 Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 60nm Diameter two 5 mL ampoules 2007-12-13 5551
8040 Sodium Oxalate (Reductometric) 60g 2010-7-14 10863
8091 Scanning Electron Microscope Sharpness Standard each 2001-7-5 29855
8095 Si1-xGex Films on Si 2 wafers, 1 each level 2011-7-19 24765
8130 Coplanar Waveguide Calibration Set each 1998-9-2 75646
8323 Yeast Protein Extract 3 vials x 0.2 mL 2010-7-9 7380
8327 Peptide Reference Material for Molecular Mass and Purity Measurements set 3 (1 mg each) 2007-3-19 9321
8395 Tissue Engineering Reference, Scaffold 1 scaffold 2009-4-10 10275
8396 Tissue Engineering Reference, Scaffold 1 scaffold 2009-4-10 10275
8397 Tissue Engineering Reference, Scaffold 1 scaffold 2009-4-10 10275
8420 Iron Electrolytic 0.64 D x 5.0 1984-5-1 5901
8441a Wheat Hardness set (50) 2011-3-24 8414
8444 Cotinine in Freeze-Dried Human Urine set (4) 1989-2-1 7205
8445 Spray-Dried Whole Egg for Allergen Detection 5g 2008-1-17 6474
8455 Pyrite Ore 100g 1991-4-1 4231
8456 Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene each 2012-6-12 6362
8457 Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene 10 cubes x 0.5 cm 2012-6-18 13822
8458 Artificial Flaw for Eddy Current each 1991-8-1 11802
8467 4,4'-DDE 100 mg 1992-4-1 7762
8480 Secondary Ferrite Number Standard - Low Range 10x12x20 2000-3-6 57689
8481 Secondary Ferrite Number Standard - High Range set (8) 2000-3-6 53920
8491 Sugarcane Bagasse Whole Biomass Feedstock 50g 2011-2-28 5297
8492 Eastern Cottonwood Whole Biomass Feedstock 50g 2011-2-28 5297
8493 Monterey Pine Whole Biomass Feedstock 50g 2011-2-28 5297
8494 Wheat Straw Whole Biomass Feedstock 50g 2011-2-28 5297
8495 Northern Softwood 10 sheets 2006-12-11 3658
8496 Eucalyptus Hardwood 10 sheets 2006-12-11 3658
8504 Transformer Oil 100 mL 2006-2-14 7301
8505 Vanadium in Crude Oil 250 mL 1983-10-1 4613
8506a Moisture in Transformer Oil 5x9.5mL 2011-1-31 7380
8535a VSMOW2 Vienna Standard Mean, Ocean Water 20 mL 2011-6-22 4883
8536 GISP-Water 20 mL 2012-1-31 5185
8537 SLAP-Water Light Stable Isotopic Standard 20 mL 2005-3-3 5440
8541 USGS24-Graphite 0.8g 2011-5-4 5774
8542 Sucrose ANU-Sucrose 1g 2011-5-19 5933
8544 NBS19-Limestone 0.4g 2012-1-12 7841
8545 LSVEC-Lithium Carbonate 0.4g 2011-12-20 5233
8546 NBS28-Silica Sand 0.4g 2011-8-2 4963
8549 IAEA-NO3 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 0.4g 2008-2-5 6028
8558 USGS32 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 0.9g 2008-2-5 6028
8562 CO2-Heavy, Paleomarine Origin set (2) 2007-11-2 4978
8563 CO2-Light, Petrochemical Origin set (2) 2007-11-2 4978
8564 CO2-Biogenic, Modern Biomass Origin set (2) 2007-11-2 4963
8568 USGS34 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 0.9g 2008-2-5 6028
8569 USGS35 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 0.9g 2008-2-5 6028
8573 L-glutamic Acid USGS40(Light Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in L-glutamic Acid) 1g 2007-12-18 6012
8574 L-glutamic Acid USGS41 (Heavy Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in L-glutamic Acid) 0.5g 2007-12-18 6028
8590 High Sulfur Gas Oil Feed 1 qt 1985-6-24 6569
8599 Henderson Molybdenite 1 bottle at 10g 2011-3-30 4660
8631a Medium Test Dust (MTD) 20g 2008-2-20 5519
8632 Ultra Fine Test Dust 20g 1998-10-9 9941
8680 Paint on Fiberboard each 1997-2-26 6044
8704 Buffalo River Sediment 50g 2008-1-8 5901
8785 Air Particulate Matter on Filter Media 3 filters 2005-6-28 8398
8786 Filter Blank for RM 8785 filter 2005-6-24 5201
8820 Scanning Electron Microscope Scale Calibration Artifact 1 chip 2009-7-24 7698
8850 Zeolite Y 35-40g 2006-7-26 11643
8851 Zeolite A 35-40g 2006-9-8 11643
8852 Ammonium ZSM-5 Zeolite 35-40g 2006-7-26 11643
8983 Silicon Nitride Powder 4.5g 2008-2-21 10291
8988 Titanium Dioxide Powder - Particle Size Distribution 6g 2010-3-25 10641
9951 Aluminum Wafer Drop-In Sample Holder (6 in) each 2001-7-5 6744
9952 Aluminum Wafer Drop-In Sample Holder (8 in) each 2001-7-5 8334
C1252a Phosphorus Copper Cu IX block 2007-8-14 12852
C1112  Gilding Metal A (block) disk 1981-10-1 9416
C1113  Gilding Metal B (block) disk 1981-10-1 8939
C1114  Gilding Metal C (block) disk 1981-10-1 7285
C1115  Commercial Bronze A (block) disk 1981-11-1 7285
C1117  Commercial Bronze C (block) disk 1981-11-1 7285
C1137a White Cast Iron disk 1996-9-18 6617
C1145a White Cast Iron disk 1988-1-1 6776
C1151a Stainless Steel 23Cr-7Ni disk 1992-12-1 7237
c1152a Stainless Steel 18Cr-11Ni disk 1990-2-1 6617
C1153a Stainless Steel 17Cr-9Ni disk 1990-9-1 6648
C1154a Stainless Steel 19Cr-13Ni disk 1992-6-1 6808
C1173  Cast Steel 3 disk 1989-1-1 6553
C1221  LA Carbon (AISI 1211) disk 1993-4-1 6426
C1248  Nickel-Copper Alloy disk 1986-12-1 8955
C1251a Phosphorus Copper Cu VIII block 2004-6-17 12852
C1253a Phosphorus Copper X block 2004-4-23 12852
C1285  LA Steel (A242) (mod.) disk 1982-6-1 6792
C1290  High Alloy (HC-250 + V) disk 1985-1-1 7062
C1291  High Alloy (Ni-Hard, Type I) disk 1985-1-1 7173
C1292  High Alloy (Ni-Hard, Type IV) disk 1985-1-1 8096
C1296  Stainless Steel disk 1991-12-1 8064
C2400  HA Steel ACI (17/4 PH) disk 1986-2-1 8987
C2401  HA Steel (ACI-C-4M-Cu) disk 1986-2-1 8987
C2402  Hastelloy 7C disk 1986-2-1 7428
C2415  Battery Lead disk 1991-3-1 9511
C2416  Bullet Lead disk 1988-2-1 9480
C2417  Lead-Base Alloy disk 1987-2-1 9480
C2418  High-Purity Lead disk 1987-2-1 9305
C2424  Ductile Iron C disk 1985-7-1 7603
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