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Three-Dimensional Rapid Dispensing module THS900

来源:seebio.cn作者:西宝生物人气:-发表时间:2012-03-26 14:54:42【

THS900 is ideal for quantitative lines gliding. It is also nice for colloidal spraying on sheet membrane by circular movement. The platform area is 450 x 140mm. It moves on XYZ axis automatically.The motorized Z axis is much helpful to get different width of sprayed line. 24 colloid lines (distance 5mm) could be sprayed by one circle.

Technical Specification:

X axis travel: 320mm
X Slide speed: 50—250mm/S
Y axis travel: 140mm
Slide speed: 100mm/S
Z axis travel: 35mm
Z axis speed: 50mm/S
Module size: 50 x 40 x 42cm
Module weight: 30 kg

Seebio Biotech, Inc.
11-502. Lane 299, Bisheng Rd.
Zhangjiang High Tech Park
Shanghai 201204, P.R.China
Tel: 86-21-50272975, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81,Ext:6513,6515,6516,6520,6521,6522
For customers' complaint or suggestion: market5@seebio.cn
Web: www.seebio.cn


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